Equities have historically given investors the highest returns amongst all financial instruments across the globe. When you invest in carefully chosen equities, you become a part owner of robust promising enterprises and are thus able to be a part of their growth story.

We at Innovative Consultants, provide you a platform to participate and profit from India’s growth story by carefully guiding you through various investment opportunities which arise time and again in our equity markets. As much are the rewards for investing in a good company, the process brings forth the concomitant risk of loss of capital, should the identified opportunity not turn out as desired by the investor. This is where Innovative Consultants advisor brings in its professional research and helps you identify the right opportunity for making profits. In the large universe of Indian equity markets, it is imperative that one is able to carefully analyze the specific sector, industry structure and do a thorough analysis of the company’s past performance and future prospects to come up with key insights.

At Innovative Consultants, we have guided our clients to many a profit making opportunities, helped them to create alpha through our model portfolio and provided them direct equity calls by identifying undervalues stocks and growth companies in the early stage of growth, which often provide the highest returns to the investor. Our award winning financial advisors have come up with a proprietary Model Portfoliowhich has given a much better performance than the index and has provided a simple and best-in-class investment avenue to our clients.In this process, we would like to educate our investors to take informed decisions

Sample Reports


What do you mean by Equity/ Stock ?

Equity or common stock is the original capital invested into a business by its promoters. It is divided into shares, which represent equal ownership.


Why do companies issue shares to the public ?

When the needs of the business cannot be met by internal funds, additional funds are sought by diluting the promoter’s and other participants share holdings.


What is a Stock Market ?

A Stock Market is a mechanism through which publically issued company shares and their derivatives can be traded . It allows corporate to raise funds through public issues.


What is a Stock Exchange ?

A Stock Exchange is a regulated and defined corporate entity which allows the business of a stock market to be undertaken. Two main exchanges in India are the NSE and the BSE.
  • What is a Stock Index ?

    A Stock Index is a mathematical construction in which we seek to capture togther the movements of a group of stock prices. Eg. The Nifty, or the Sensex or the Bank Nifty are popular indices in India


    What is meant by Market Capitalsation ?

    Market Capitalisation is defined as the product of the total number of shares outstanding of a company to the closing price of the recent most share(s) traded on the exchange.


    What is a Depository ?

    A Depository is an institution where shares, debentures, bonds, government securities etc. are stored in electronic form.


    What is an Initial Public Offer (IPO) ?

    An IPO is an initial offering to the general public, of existing or fresh shares of a company. It is one of the means of raising money by a corporate.


    What is a Stock Exchange ?

    A Stock Exchange is a regulated and defined corporate entity which allows the business of a stock market to be undertaken. Two main exchanges in India are the NSE and the BSE.


    What is a Stock Exchange ?

    A Stock Exchange is a regulated and defined corporate entity which allows the business of a stock market to be undertaken. Two main exchanges in India are the NSE and the BSE.

Why Innovative Financial Management?

Innovative Financial Management is a member of National Stock Exchange (NSE) (INB/INF/INE 231349318) and provides its clients: